Time to Move Your Garden Inside
3 ways to set-up a grow space.
1. Find a sunny window.
The easiest way to indoor garden is to find a sunny window, pot-up some plants and place on a shelf or table next to the window. This is great if you southern exposure — a nice south facing window which gets full sun most of the day. That is, if it’s actually sunny all the time. If you live in a northern climate where many days are gray, overcast, snowy, and the sun is behind clouds, a window garden wouldn’t work so well. If you see your plants reaching toward the light, your plants are stressing.
2. Shelf, window, grow light.
To solve the reaching-for-light problem, attach a grow light over the plants. This will give you a combination of natural and artificial light that will grow strong upright plants. This works well, as long as you don’t mind the awful unnatural light cast from the grow lights. Florescent or LED’s are great for plants, but no so nice for humans.
If the light is bothersome, shelf the plants with an overhanging light and move the whole shebang to a basement or heated garage. Or just use the lights during the night when you’re sleeping. Be sure to monitor the plants, and the lights. Lights can overheat — as with any electric appliance — care is needed in placement and consideration for fire safety. Think twice before using a “hidden” space such as a closet. A closed unventilated space could start a fire.
3. Use a grow box
A unit specifically intended to grow plants may the best option. There are many grow tents available. If you don’t mind the look of a grow tent then that is your most economical choice. However, if you plan on living with a woman, or anyone who prioritizes aesthetics and decor, better pick a better option. That is one reason we designed the Northern Grow Box.